First of all, you must have a signature that you want to have at the bottom of every post. If you want an image of your name, you can get it from some online websites like My Live Signature that help you in creating signatures. You can upload your image to any online photo sharing websites like Flickr and keep the image link.
After you are ready with your signature, you can follow the simple steps given below.
- Login to your blogger account.
- Go to your blogger Dashboard and go to Design-->Edit HTML.
- Check Expand Widget Templates.
- Save your Template before editing.
- Then search for a line containing "post-footer-line post-footer-line-1" or "data:post.body".
- Add
, if you are using an image or add your own html code, if you are using your own text, below any of the above lines.
- Save your template.
That's it. You are done.
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